I actually saw this on Pinterest, and it appealed to me because I have been wanting a sewing machine cover, and my machine did not come with one. There is really no pattern for this, because machines can be different sizes, but I measured what I needed to make a rectangle and went from there, using extra wide double fold bias tape around the edges. I bought 1/2 yard of quilted material and had a small amount left over. The one I saw was tied at the sides with ribbon, into a bow, but if you notice the detail in the second picture you will see that I sewed a button on one side and doubled ribbon on the other. The ribbon wraps around the button to close it.
I might have chosen a floral pastel pattern for this had it not been for the fact that I already made a thread catcher out of this material, so I decided to match it. That and the reason that much of the quilted material is only sold in baby quilt sized panels. I did cut my material in half and then sewed it together to make the pattern be right-side up on both sides.
I actually would have preferred a sewing machine case, but this works since I don't have one, and it worked up fairly quickly.